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I have a mpg file to cut, It cuts the first part using the range I asign, but the second part, it cuts only a 12 minute piece and there is still an hour of movie. I have tried many times with different sizes and it always results on the same 12 minute piece.
Help please.
I have Pinnacle Studio 8 and I captured video from my Sony digital Hi 8 camcorder. When I burned a DVD with Studio 8, the playback on the DVD home player was not as clear as the tape source or as the computer capture.
Why is this? How can I capture from Hi 8 tape and preserve the same quality to DVD and have the same clarity on TV playback?
Studio 8 Uses an awefull Encoder,You need to use a Real Encoder to encode your Captured files to Mpeg2 for DVD if you want any sort of Quality...What Confuses me is why when you Get Bad Quality useing Stdio 8 you come here to ask Why???
In the menu editor I have set everything to motion menu.
I can set the seconds of the main menu animation here but can't find anywhere to set the length of each animated thumbnail.
In the help file it says...
"The chapter thumbnail will be animated for the specified number of seconds within the area of the thumbnail."
Where do i enter these seconds?
I've looked everywhere or does it use the main menu seconds?
since the whole "background" INCLUDING the thumbnails is only ONE mpeg sequence, the loop-time for both is identical.
hence, you can only specify one time for the whole thing.
if you want - say - your thumbnails to loop every 2 seconds, and your background to loop every 4 seconds, you can make small mpeg-files for your thumbnails, that contain 2 runs of your 2 second loop.
that's just an example, but i hope you get the idea.
of course it would be technically possible to have different loop-lengths on every distinct page (just not within a page), but i dont think tmpgenc dvd author supports this.
adjust me if im wrong :)
so you should just set the loop-time to the duration of the main-menu-background-movie - that way your chapter-preview thunbs will loop the same length - but at least the background-loop will be the length you want it to be...
if you only have one animated thingy per page, everything will be fine, just that all loops will use the same duration.
I have 13 thumbnail chapters and want to create two Track Menus consisting of 7 and 6 but the menu editor only seems to give me 6 or 13 chapters to a page thus creating 3 or 1 track menu.
Is there a way round this so I can create two track menus without hiding any chapters?
Is it possible to save a previously created menu ? The menus I will be using are similar, with only a few text changes between them. The "history" button does show the previous text but you still have to "cut and paste" each entry in the menu. I am trying to remove the error prone user(me) as much as possible from the creation process.
I exported an Adobe Premier 6.5 movie to their dv version of .avi. TMPGEnc would not work with that file, I imagine because it is DV I rather than DV II. Unfortunately, the Adobe export menu gives only one dv .avi file export choice, so I cannot easily select type II. Any suggestions?
Is the TMPGEnc program able to take an AVI file from my DV camera and allow me to save it to a DVD disk that I can play on my home entertainment DVD player?
I'm not trying to do anything fancy here, just to save my edited .AVI file to some file format that will be: A: Very High Resolution, and B: Playable on my and my families home DVD players.
My first attempt with TMPGEnc took a 6GB 30 minute AVI file and after 7 HOURS of "converting" (on an XP3200+ system with 1 GB of PC3700 RAM, and a very fast 240GB RAID-0 array) gave me a nice 1.9GB file that had a ".M2V" extension. I burned that to a DVD disk and nothing seems to read this. What did I do wrong, and isn't there a simpler way to do this??
I've got 15 hours of home DV tapes I would like to put on DVD. Is TMPGEnc what I need, or are there better (simpler?) programs out there?
Thanks for your help.
P.S. - can I turn that .m2v file into something a DVD player will play?? (I've got a fancy new DVD player that will supposedly play EVERY format)
When encodeing DV AVI files with Tmpgenc make sure that the DV Files are Type-2 DV AVI files cuz Tmpgenc doesn"t like Type 1 DV..When you encode your DV Files to DVD in Tmpgenc there should be a M2V Video file and a Wav audio file, and you Don"t just Burn these files to DVD you have to use a DVD authoring Program to add chapters and menu"s and format the audio and Video files into a Video_TS Folder that then gets Burned to DVD in DVD-Video Mode..A simple DVD authoring Program to use is "Tmpgenc DVD author" which you can download by clicking the Banner below...and when you create the Mpeg2 file from the DV AVI files useing Tmpgenc you should go into the audio settings and change the audio format to Mpeg1 Layer 2 instead of LPCM because LPCM takes up Far too much Space on the DVD....Cheers
I have two movies in mpg format which I want to joing using TMPGenc merge tool. Both movies can be played in Windows Media Player perfectly fine, but when I want to join them, TMPGenc tells me that one of them doesn't have video stream. How is that possible when I can watch it with no problem. Thanks in advance
Is it possible to loop motion items - for example, having a background image + music item that loops, so that you can have ongoing music for as long as the menu page is up, or a video clip used to identify a chapter that keep looping round. At the moment, these things seem to run once, then end.
New to dvd burning so be gentle with your responses. Have a movie that was in avi format shrunk the file and converted to mpeg. Am i correct that you cannot burn a mpeg format and have play in stand alone dvd player? Do i need to reauthor this file using tmpgenc reauthor first? I tried to do that but kept receiving stream writing error.WHat can i do to get this mpeg file i have to playon my standalone dvd. This is themost frustrating thing i have ever tried to do. thankyou for your help